Barcelona Flat Hunter, we make you purchase of Real Estate a Hassle-Free Reality

Published: 16 September of 2020

As a Real Estate buyer agency in Barcelona, our objectives are to save you time, money, hassle, and to protect your interest at all times.

Purchasing a real estate in Barcelona is a dream and a life goal for many people all around the globe, and when it comes to Europe, Barcelona is one of the favourite spots for investors as well as couples and families who seek its vibrant lifestyle, pleasant climate, quality healthcare along with attractive real estate prices and much more.

The idea of having your very own flat in Barcelona is very attractive...

Unfortunately, the whole acquisition process can be exhausting and way more complicated than anticipated including for Spanish speakers. Part of the complexity has to do on one side with regulations that do not protect buyers but instead shift the responsibility on the latest to carry on all the checks, and on the other side with the fact that real estate agents are in most cases solely paid by the seller leading to a clear conflict of interest. The market is as well extremely segmented with lots of small real estate agencies fighting over the same properties, and it often comes down to who will close the deal the fastest independently of whether the basics checks on the real estate they are selling have been carried on or not.

It is this reality combined with a strong will to offer a much-needed tailor-made support to buyers throughout the whole process, that led to the funding of Barcelona Flat Hunter, a 100% buyer oriented real estate agency based in Barcelona. We do not sell properties on the side nor have a collaboration agreement with real estate agencies selling properties, our
interest is 100% aligned with yours.

Modernist barcelona balcony

The time factor is essential when searching for the perfect property for sale in Barcelona. You do want to get there first and carry on an exhaustive monitoring of the market but often lack time and after 30+ visits motivation too… Our clients on average visit less than 5 properties before moving forward with an offer. The secret? We are the one carrying on these 30+ visits on your behalf, selecting the ones that truly match your search, and carrying on all basic checks. You then get to review the pre-visit report and with all the information in hand decide whether you wish to go ahead or not with a visit.  Saving you time is a big part of our services.

The money factor is another essential part of our added value. Our services do come at a cost for the buyer but in most cases end up saving you money. The explanation is simple, with our knowledge of the market, we do know how to properly assess the value of a property and lead a good negotiation. Our clients end up paying the right price for the assets they purchase with our support, not an inflated one. Saving you money is another of our key objectives.

Hassle can take many shapes when purchasing a flat in Barcelona. From issues related to the property itself, its documentation, legal aspects and the various documents to be signed, to all the side aspects that must be addressed to make the purchase of a property in Barcelona possible from opening a bank account in a Spanish bank and transferring funds to applying for a NIE or getting trusted professionals. Barcelona Flat Hunter is by your side, easing and facilitating every step of the way, making the whole process as hassle-free as possible.

Who does not want to ensure its interest are protected? Spain still has a long way to go when it comes to protecting Real Estate buyers’ interests and being part of Europe where some countries have stronger regulations gives a fake sense of safety to many foreign buyers.

You already found the flat and just need an expert eye to comb through everything before moving forward? Don’t hesitate to reach out, we will be happy to ensure your interests are protected.

Barcelona is a great city to live or invest in, and even though it requires diligence & expertise when moving forward with the purchase of a property, a buyer agency (“personal shopper inmobiliario”) like Barcelona Flat Hunter might be just what you need to turn your project into reality!

Validate your real estate project feasibility and get a free consultation with one of our experts

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